Talk:DEWBOT VI Bridgewater Battle

From DEW Robotics
Revision as of 23:02, 30 May 2010 by MaiKangWei (talk | contribs) (Autonomous)

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Necessary Repairs & Maintenance & Drive-Train

There are some necessary repairs needed. Also, some drive-train fixes & upgrades. I include these together. Suggest we:

  • Pull all pivots. Add spacers between driven sprocket lower 1" bearing. Check condition and refurbish as needed. All treads will need to be changed (they're beat). I will order more treads.
  • Remount magnetic absolute encoders to provide better protection to the connectors (e.g., rotate towards centerline). use wire-ties on these and other electrical connections.
  • Replace Steering Jaguars with Victors and test.


Not effective yet. Main points seem to be:

  • Sensor for kicking does not seem to be reliable.
  • Angles for off-axis shooting need to be checked. They appear to shoot off-field is the robot is aligned to drive along the central ball column. I'll check, but we should test too.
  • Keeping in a straight line by blind dead reconning is often ineffective.
  • Keeping the possessor off seems to work better (insofar as something which doesn't work can be said to work better).


We've got a fine possessor for demonstrations. In the heat of competition, it is less effective. We tend to lose the ball or else overrun it. This is an area which needs wor for IRI.


Looks really good, but we should:

  • Verify that it stays within the frame perimeter.
  • It would be good to have a means of raising it during competition. A servo might be adequate.