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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
00:24, 3 May 2010 VEX Banner.jpg (file) 78 KB This is the VEX banner that was made by Jeri Gore for the team. 1
02:23, 8 April 2010 CrossBot Field Drawing.jpg (file) 44 KB Sasha and Andrew created this picture of the cross bot field. 1
15:46, 21 March 2010 2010 VMA compete 4.jpg (file) 57 KB   1
15:37, 21 March 2010 2010 VMA compete 1.jpg (file) 61 KB 2010 VEX Mid-Atlantic Championship 1
15:36, 21 March 2010 2010 VMA compete 3.jpg (file) 51 KB 2010 VEX Mid-Atlantic Championship 1
15:36, 21 March 2010 2010 VMA Team 80 Award.jpg (file) 47 KB 2010 VEX Mid-Atlantic Championship 1
15:36, 21 March 2010 2010 VMA compete 2.jpg (file) 51 KB 2010 VEX Mid-Atlantic Championship 1
12:14, 21 February 2010 DEWBOT VI Wiring.pdf (file) 1.07 MB Wiring information as of 21 Feb on the wiring. Document contains pictorial view of the wiring, circut numbers and the amp rating for the breakers. 1
00:50, 20 February 2010 Cypress-FirstTouch-Pinout.pdf (file) 98 KB This is the documentation for the pinouts on the carrier board for the PSOC. The PSOC was the new component for 2010. 1
21:14, 18 February 2010 TechE logo.jpg (file) 8 KB Logo for Techentourage 1
20:46, 18 February 2010 AGI Logo.jpg (file) 9 KB AGI Logo for the sponsor page 1
05:38, 18 February 2010 FLL logo.jpg (file) 21 KB FLL logo for the first page 1
12:55, 16 February 2010 Sponsor STEMRobotics.gif (file) 6 KB STEMRobotoics Sponsor Logo 1
12:33, 16 February 2010 Sponsor Kaloke.gif (file) 4 KB Kaloke sponsor logo 1
17:59, 14 February 2010 DEWBOT VI Battery Box.jpg (file) 119 KB Drawing of the battery box 1
14:20, 2 February 2010 DB6 Groundhog Phil 2010.jpg (file) 13 KB Phil on groundhog day 2010. Picture from AP/Gene J. Puskar 1
16:10, 31 January 2010 VEX Philly FLL Demo 2 100129 FS.jpg (file) 72 KB Demo at Philly FLL Demo in 2010, kids playing Cross Ball 1
18:53, 12 January 2010 (file) 5.2 MB 2010 Field Drawings for the CAD people. Files from James Tonthat. 1
20:46, 22 November 2009 FTC 2008 PA Paul.jpg (file) 175 KB Paul working on Team 82 at Weatherly Competition 1
20:16, 22 November 2009 FTC 2008 Del Robot.jpg (file) 149 KB Team 81 Robot from UoD Contest 1
20:04, 22 November 2009 FTC 2008 PA Robot 82.JPG (file) 187 KB From the Competion at Weatherly PA 1
20:04, 22 November 2009 FTC 2008 Del Amanda Brianna.jpg (file) 152 KB From the competition at the UoD 2008 1
20:04, 22 November 2009 FTC 2008 Del Rich Foster.jpg (file) 161 KB From the competition at the UoD 2008 1
20:04, 22 November 2009 FTC 2008 PA Robot.JPG (file) 178 KB From the Competion at Weatherly PA 1
20:04, 22 November 2009 FTC 2008 Del.jpg (file) 132 KB From the competition at the UoD 2008 1
01:18, 19 September 2009 VRC Parents Meeting Slides.ppt (file) 58 KB Presentation to the VRC parents session 1
00:48, 23 August 2009 DEWBOT IV (file) 830 KB C code, header, library, linker and documentation files for DEWBOT IV 1
14:10, 22 August 2009 DEWBOT IV RC and OI Connections.pdf (file) 94 KB This is the connection matrix for DEWBOT_IV. It shows the connections for both the Robot Controller and the Operator Interface. 1
15:26, 18 June 2009 Vex Build 10-2008 6.jpg (file) 153 KB VRC build nights in October 2008 1
15:26, 18 June 2009 Vex Build 10-2008 5.jpg (file) 127 KB VRC build nights in October 2008 1
15:25, 18 June 2009 Vex Build 10-2008 4.jpg (file) 143 KB VRC build nights in October 2008 1
15:25, 18 June 2009 Vex Build 10-2008 3.jpg (file) 141 KB VRC build nights in October 2008 1
15:24, 18 June 2009 Vex Build 10-2008 2.jpg (file) 164 KB VRC build nights in October 2008 1
15:24, 18 June 2009 Vex Build 10-2008 1.jpg (file) 163 KB VRC build nights in October 2008 1
00:52, 17 June 2009 VEX Battery Charge Board.jpg (file) 25 KB   1
00:46, 17 June 2009 Crate interior.jpg (file) 64 KB Picture of a crate interior to show how it can be used as storage 1
00:43, 17 June 2009 DEWBOT V Crate 3.jpg (file) 40 KB DEWBOT V Crate on ship day. The hand prints are build team members and their names. 1
00:40, 17 June 2009 DEWBOT V Crate 2.jpg (file) 61 KB DEWBOT V crate on ship day 1
00:39, 17 June 2009 DEWBOT V Crate 1.jpg (file) 69 KB DEWBOT V crate on ship day. 1
00:17, 15 June 2009 PD-icon.jpg (file) 3 KB Public Domain Icon 1
23:13, 14 June 2009 Monty Madness 2009 2.jpg (file) 599 KB Paul, Matt, Amanda and Clem talk over strategy at Monty. 1
23:06, 14 June 2009 Monty Madness 2009 1.jpg (file) 601 KB Sab-BOT-age hard at work unloading while ducking an incoming Orbit ball. 1
19:59, 14 June 2009 Bartholomew Stair Climbing Robot.jpg (file) 643 KB Petra Hartman built a stair climbing VEX bot named Bartholomew for her senior project at Lower Marion High School. She will be coming to Downingtown Robotics on June 24 to demonstrate Bartholomew. 1
01:09, 14 June 2009 Twitch VEX 2008 3.jpg (file) 436 KB Twitch prototype with the wheels in the East/West configuration. 1
01:08, 14 June 2009 Twitch VEX 2008 2.jpg (file) 478 KB Twitch prototype with the wheels 1/2 way through the cycle. 1
01:07, 14 June 2009 Twitch VEX 2008 1.jpg (file) 469 KB Twitch prototype with the wheels in the North/South configuration. 1
12:13, 13 June 2009 DEWBOT I Team 2005.jpg (file) 246 KB Team photo from 2005 after the Chesapeake event. 1
16:33, 10 June 2009 Example.jpg (file) 9 KB The example picture for Image help 1
20:01, 9 June 2009 FRC logo.jpg (file) 24 KB FIRST Robotics Competition logo 1
19:56, 9 June 2009 VEX logo.jpg (file) 13 KB The VEX logo for use on the main page 1
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