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DB13 Seneca 170326-62.jpg
DB13 Westtown 170311-33.jpg
DEWBOT XIII is team Sab-BOT-age's entry for FIRST Robotics Competition's 2017 game, FIRST Stronghold. Let's hope it's a good answer.

Some notable 2017 achievements are:


STEAMworks Notebook

Design Details

Just look at the scoring of this game. A lot of big-ticket ways to score: Rope Climbing (50 pts); Starting a Rotor (40 pts in teleop, 60 in autonomous); plus (1) ranking point in qualification matches or 100 pts in eliminations for four rotors turning!

Then there's the fuel scoring. Almost a joke in comparison. 1 point (kPa) for each ball scored in the high-efficiency goal in autonomous, dropping to 1/3rd point (kPa) in teleop. 1/3rd of the above for scoring in the low-efficiency goal. Scoring 40 points (kPa) earns a ranking point in qualifications or a 20 pt bonus in elimination, but this seems quite asymmetric vis-à-vis rotor scoring considering the difficulty. Is fuel scoring for suckers?

But wait. All of the above scoring is both highly quantized and intrinsically capped. Most alliances will get the autonomous mobility points (15) and will score (1) rotor in autonomous. In the match, either three (easy) or four (hard) rotors will end up spinning. If all three robots don't climb, you've got a tough time winning. So scores of 305 (3-rotors; one in auton) and 345 (445 in elims - 4 rotors; one in auton) are going to be pretty common. The only ways to break this impasse are scoring (2) rotors in autonomous (+20 points) and/or with fuel. And (like two hikers being chased by a bear), you don't need a huge fuel score, just more than the opposition's.

CVT Swerve
Shooter & Feeder
Rope Climber
Fish gotta' swim, robots gotta' climb. At least they do for SteamWorks!

Official Events

Kick-off - 7-January-2017
At Hatboro-Horsham High School
Westtown - 10-12 March-2017
Seneca - 24-26 March-2017
FIRST Mid-Atlantic Championship - 6-8 April-2017
FRC Championship - 26-29 April-2017

Unofficial Events

Other Events

D-Town Dustoff - 3-December-2016
Downingtown FLL RQT - 10-December-2016


ISPE Delaware Valley Symposium - 16-February-2016
Team Sab-BOT-age participated in the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering Delaware Valley Chapter's annual symposium at Lincoln Financial Field, Philadelphia, discussing FIRST's programs.




Team Sab-BOT-age is what it is only due to the efforts of the people involved. DEWBOT XII's success will be in the hands of the students, mentors and parents engaged. The team's very existence is possible only through the gracious generosity of our sponsors.

Sponsors 2017

See our other robots in the Robot Archives.