FTC 7314 - 2014-2015

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Revision as of 22:24, 24 November 2014 by MaiKangWei (talk | contribs) (Official Events)

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CascadeEffect FNL tweak.jpg
FTC7314 RR 141101 ld.jpg
We are a 2nd year team with twelve highly motivated students ranging from seventh through ninth grades. What can we possibly accomplish against High School teams? Just wait and see.

The 2014-2015 game is Cascade Effect. Watch game animation.


Engineering Notebook

FTC 7314 Engineering Notebook 2014-15

Build Season

Cascade Effect is an enormously rich game of strategy. Less certain about casual spectator appeal, but it's a heck of a game for players. Look up the rules. Watch game animation.

September build meetings

Official Events

FTC Kickoff - 6-September-2014
The deepest, darkest secrets of the 2014-2015 FIRST Tech Challenge game will be revealed to all true believers (and anyone else present as well). Will 18 x 18 x 18" robots need to pick up Medicine Balls? Will we need to isolate the controller from diesel fuel? If ya don't go, ya won't know! (unless, of course, you actually read the rules)
Hosted by the CCIU TCHS!
Ramp Riot - 1-November-2014
Our first scrimmage with a robot having limited capabilities (it could drag goals). Still, this was enough. 7314 finished as 5th seed and was selected by 1st seeded 4433 (Smoking Motors) as alliance partner. Together we were CHAMPIONS!
Southeast Pennsylvania FTC Regional Qualifying Tournament - 16-November-2013
Our first qualifier. Hosted by the Oxford Area High school.
South Central Pennsylvania FTC Regional Qualifying Tournament - 25-January-2014
FTC 7314's third qualifying event. Hosted by Penn State York.

Other Events

Mindstorm Monsters hits it big!
DAR FLL Scrimmage
DAR hosted an FLL Scrimmage on 23-November-2013 at the CCIU TCHS. 18 area teams participated.
Downingtown Area Robotics-TCHS-Penn FLL Qualifier - 7-December-2013
Downingtown's second annual FIRST LEGO League Qualifying Event will be held on 7 December, 2013 at the CCIU TCHS Brandywine Campus in Downingtown, PA. This competition was hosted by Downingtown Area Robotics to allow area FLL teams to compete and qualify for the Penn FLL Championship in this year's game, NATURE'S FURYSM.

