STEAMworks Meeting - 11-Jan-2017

From DEW Robotics
Revision as of 04:08, 13 January 2017 by Laura2014 (talk | contribs) (Programming)

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CAD & Design

CAM Team Leader: Patrick Yesterday the new CNC router completed its first part for the team. An Omni Wheel Hub from the FTC team was cut from polycarbonate. This part is meant to be implemented in a wheeled shooter on the robot to launch fuel into the boiler.

Today I uploaded two almost identical versions of the current chassis design. The First assembly titled 'Chassis ASM,' features a 1x1 C-channel extrusion. The Second titled 'Chassis ASM with GlobalVariables' includes 2x1 C-channel extrusion and uses the Equations feature in the Solidworks software (referred to as Global Variables or GV in the Solidworks files). The Second assembly will probably be the preferred file to use, so the name may have to be changed to indicate which is being used.



We ported all code that will be needed in this year's robot from last year's Java project. We introduced new programmers to the structure of our autonomous and drive code. We also compiled more of the data from the vision testing into an spreadsheet. -Matt Lebermann

-We also continued work on OpenCV on the raspberry pis. ~Laura Dodds


Field Elements

