Talk:DEWBOT XI Indiana Robotics Invitational

From DEW Robotics
Revision as of 23:23, 23 July 2015 by MaiKangWei (talk | contribs) (Plan D)

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Post-Mortem - What worked

  • We were picked by an awesome team (118) and joined a great alliance
  • Rear RC guide - did not lose RCs after installation
  • 118's Drive Coach was awesome (See Ryan's emailed observations below)
  • Ryan kept the drive team calm & focused
  • Close stacking - better use of scoring platform space and no lost RCs
  • 3-Tote Autonomous
  • Can grabber hooks pinned
  • We worked before we played
  • MAR cheered us on
  • 225's scouting system

Post-Mortem - What didn't

  • Can Burglar replacement failure (what about having ready spares?)
  • Can Burglar hooks rotated (fixed by pinning)
  • Some NavX weirdness still (fixed or band-aided)
  • MAR got into eliminations (us), but underrepresented.

Could be better

  • Traffic/scoring choreography
  • We could have moved in autonomous after Can Burglar failure to pick up Robot Set points (4)
  • Can we add a noodle "cow catcher" to clear litter
  • Faster alignment needed - clear communications essential
  • We do not have a drive coach like 118
  • 118's drive team thought like the coach. They were able to recognize and exploit opportunities without explicit direction. They were capable of thinking on their feet.

Important to remember

  • Watch out for hubris (arrogance)
  • Be the team people want to work with

Duel on the Delaware and Ramp Riot considerations

Duel on the Delaware (and Ramp Riot) traditionally do not allow alliance selection within the top 8 seeded teams.

1640, together with 225 & 1218 (the best landfill stackers around) are all very likely to seed in the top 8.

Assuming this, 1640 is not going to be able to pick an effective landfill stacking alliance partner. It will be easier for 225 and 1218 to select two effective human player stackers. This is something of a conundrum for us. What to do?

Plan A

For various reason (rule change; 225 or 1218 do not seed in top 8), 225 or 1218 are available. Problem solved.

Plan B

  • 1640 - 3-tote & HP stacking
  • 1st pick - best HP stacker available - Can Burglars preferred
  • 2nd pick - Can Burglar - Able to feed RCs to stackers

Issue: Only 2 robots scoring and scoring limited to (30) totes behind the human player station and available RCs.

Plan C

  • 1640 - 3-tote & Landfill Stacking
  • 1st pick - best HP stacker available - Can Burglars preferred
  • 2nd pick - best HP stacker available - Can Burglars preferred

Issue: 1640 does not have any successful experience as a landfill stacker. It is not what we do best. As a human player stacker, we probably have the highest scoring potential on the alliance. Can we reasonably hope to win this way? We need to practice landfill stacking in a very serious way if this is our strategy.

Plan D

Starvation strategy

  • 2 fast Can Burglars needed to attempt to deprive step RCs to the opposition
  • Likely to sacrifice 3-Tote if we need to become a Can Burglar
  • From this point, either Plans B or C may be pursued, but Plan B makes more sense.

Summer Projects

  1. KOP (or 6WD) Chassis - for engineering and driving experience
  2. Shifting Swerve
  3. Lighter Swerve
  4. Swerve with real encoders - essential
  5. JAVA
  6. CAN - essential
  7. Sponsors needed!