Category:DEWBOT IX
From DEW Robotics
This is collection of pages associated with Team 1640's (Sab-BOT-age's) 2013 FRC robot. The name, DEWBOT IX, is used as a place-holder at this time for the sake of convenience. The name DEWBOT comes from Downingtown East & West high school roBOT. The name is a good one and made a lot of sense while 1640 was a Downingtown Area School District team. We look forward to reconnecting with the School District during DEWBOT IX's tenure.
Pages in category "DEWBOT IX"
The following 51 pages are in this category, out of 51 total.
- DEWBOT IX Battle-O'-Baltimore
- DEWBOT IX Brunswick Eruption
- DEWBOT IX Caterpillar Drive
- DEWBOT IX Control
- DEWBOT IX Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox (Hatboro-Horsham)
- DEWBOT IX Design Team Page
- DEWBOT IX Drive Train
- DEWBOT IX Duel on the Delaware
- DEWBOT IX Electrical
- DEWBOT IX Final Daze Build Season Photo Gallery
- DEWBOT IX FRC Championship
- DEWBOT IX Hatboro-Horsham
- DEWBOT IX Indiana Robotics Invitational
- DEWBOT IX Machining
- DEWBOT IX Mechanical
- DEWBOT IX Mentors
- DEWBOT IX Mid-Atlantic Region Championship
- DEWBOT IX MidKnight Mayhem
- DEWBOT IX Monty Madness
- DEWBOT IX Programming
- DEWBOT IX Ramp Riot
- DEWBOT IX Saucer shooting & control
- DEWBOT IX Shop Organization
- DEWBOT IX Springside-Chestnut Hill
- DEWBOT IX Students
- DEWBOT IX Week Five Build Season Photo Gallery
- DEWBOT IX Week Four Build Season Photo Gallery
- DEWBOT IX Week One Build Season Photo Gallery
- DEWBOT IX Week Six Build Season Photo Gallery
- DEWBOT IX Week Three Build Season Photo Gallery
- DEWBOT IX Week Two Build Season Photo Gallery
- DEWBOT VIII Wheel Friction Coefficient Testing
- Downingtown Area Robotics-Penn FLL Qualifying Event
- Downingtown FIRST LEGO League Tune Up 2012