Clean Sweep Newsletter 14 April
There are three teams that are building demo robots, one is a lifter, two are claws. These robots are being used on the 13 and 14 as part of DHSW A taste of STEM and will be used on the 16th at Sugartown Elementary school for a demo. (Be at Sugartown School (611 Sugartown Road Malvenr 19355) at 6:30 to help set up. Wear your blue shirts!
Two teams are building fire fight robots, one on a square base, one on an omni base. We will try to finish these robots up this week and next Wednesday.
Two teams are working on their World Championship robots. - They will be having one last scrimmage this Wednesday 6:30-8:30 PM on the 14th of April. Once the matches end we will be packing up Pegasus and Longshot for their trip to Texas.
So we have 7 out of nine robots being worked on, very very good!
Mark on your calendar for 28 April, VEX party. See Jeri Gore for details! Teams that went to Texas will talk about what they saw and the firefight teams can talk about how they made out.