FTC 7314 Engineering Notebook 2015-12-14

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Competition Season Meeting

Meeting Date Meeting Time Location Attendees
14-December-2015 6:00-9:00pm TCHS Brandywine Jake, Braden, Matthew, Daniel, Myles, Trevor

Objectives / Systems Hypotheses, tests, observations, conclusions, plans
Sizing Box Construction
  • Myles helped Daniel by measuring dimensions for the pieces to be cut for the cube. He also assisted in setting up said pieces to be cut.
  • Jake also helped Daniel with the measuring dimensions for the cube. He also assisted in cutting the squares for the 18x18 box.
  • Daniel measured and cut the frame and squares for the 18 inch sizing cube. After it was cut, Daniel and Braden started to assemble it but did not finish because Daniel had to type this.
Robot Maintenance
  • After the competition, the robot received some repairs and cable management from Trevor and Braden.they had to make sure to extend the wires of each led to a specific length and they had to make holes and put on servos for a protype to try and hit the zipliners.
New features
  • The team worked on new designs for the rescue mechanism and zipliners. One of the main thoughts were the slapper idea which used servos in order to lower 2 plastic paddles in order to knock over the zipliners.
  • Matt helped mount the servos and slappers for scoring the zipliners on the mountain. He plans to test them out at the next driver's practice in order to be able to make the proper adjustments.

Tasks Reflections
Task in bold
  • Bullet point for each reflection
Task in bold
  • Bullet point for each reflection

Action and idea Journal

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