Fundraising Coordination Page
From DEW Robotics
This page is for coordination between fundraisers. It is organized first by actual or potential sponsors; Second by Fundraising Owners.
- Owner: Clem
- Status: 2011 donation received
- Owner: Julie
- Status: 2011 donation received
- Owner: Clem
- Status: 2012 donation received
- Owner: Rich
- Status: 2012 donation received
Burns Group
- Owner: Clem
- Status:
Kinsey Nash
- Owner: Clem
- Status:
Tires Plus
- Owner: Julie
- Status: 2012 donation Received
- In-Kind Gift: Safety Glasses
- Owner: Siri
- Status: Determining relevant contact. (All identified sponsored teams have employee mentors.)
- Air Force Association
- Owner: Siri
- Status: registered, pending
- Service Labs
- Owner: Siri
- Status: no go - requires employee mentors. (I'll see again in 4 years...)
Penn State
- Owner: Siri
- Status: Working on it.
In-Kind Donation: QuickBooks
- Owner: Siri
- Status:
- Intuit - inquiry made, pending. This is probably only going to happen with a 501(c)(3) designation registered with TechSoup or Gifts in Kind.
- PSU - pending/pursuing
Clem McKown - accounts & status
- Arkema - donated for 2011 - to DAR & FLL - provides in-kind donation (polycarbonate, PMMA, other polymers)
- Bentley - pending - organized FIATECH presentation/demo
- Burns Group - pending
- Kinsey Nash - pending
Siri Maley - accounts & status
- DoD - pursuing
- ARL - pursuing
- USAF - pursuing
- AFA - registered, pending
- PSU - pending/pursuing
- Intuit - inquired, pending