Chairmans Award Creation

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2010 is the first year since 2005 that we submitted a Chairman's Award Essay and Video. In 2005, we presented our application at the Chesapeake Regional. In 2010, we applied at the Finger Lakes Regional.

See our DEWBOT I (2005) submission here.
See our DEWBOT VI (2010) submission here.
The DEWBOT VII (2011) process is here DEWBOT VII Chairmans Award.
The submission around DEWBOT VIII is here DEWBOT VIII Chairmans Award.

Essay Helps

There are a number of good ideas on Chief Delphi and a number of teams have published their winning submissions.

DVD help - how to go from power point to a video, lots of tips

Creating the Chairman's award 2011

We on the presentational team learned some very important facts of life while spending hours preparing before the regional.
1) POPCORN makes the world go round. All hail POPCORN, the supreme ruler!
2) The couches we sat on were very sinkable into, causing us to become lethargic.
3) Cats that sleep upside down are the ultimate entertainment, better than TV.
4) The Coca Cola company will one day rule the world, after popcorn of course.
5) Always write on walls with sharpies, of course there just happens to be a piece of paper between the two.
6) King sized sharpies are very potent, THEY WILL KNOCK YOU OUT!
7) Having to look through website first leads to fixing mistakes, then causing mayhem.
9) Use any excuse to get ice cream, including that is it the 119th Anniversary of the first documented ice cream sundae
10) Making a presentation is work, making a presentation and then finding out you have to teach someone else to present it is a lot more work.