Clean Sweep Newsletter 18 November

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VEX Parent Update – 11/18/09 We have a number of VEX items coming up! Contact Foster at Schucker dot org if you have any questions!

Saturday November 14 We had a great time on Saturday playing a series of games with Girl Scouts from Montgomery County that were participating in the Girls In Gear program. There were 45 Girls Scouts that drove our robots. Thanks to the roboteers and to the parents that helped out!

Wednesday November 18 - T-Shirt night. We need to collect everyone's T-Shirt size. Choices are Youth Large, Adult small, medium, large and X-large. Due to the large number of students they will need to pay for their shirts. Price will be about $15 per shirt. Shirts are blue with yellow sleeves. (The reverse of what the FRC team wears). With a little luck we will have the shirts for the December 5 contest.

Saturday December 5 is our first scrimmage at Penn State Abington from 9 AM – 4PM. We will leave from DEC at 7AM to be at the event by 8AM to help set up. This will be the first chance our teams have to drive against other schools. We will need parents to go and help out some easy things like getting the field reset between matches, etc.

We need help transporting the field, floor, robots and roboteers to the site. If you can drive it would be a big help.

Penn State Abington sponsors this event. There is FREE pizza and soda for lunch. We will return about 5 PM.

Other competition dates to put on your calendar are 23 January; 26,27 February and 13 March.

Sunday December 6 - 8AM-10AM there is an all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast fundraiser at Applebee's in Exton. Tickets are $7 for adults and $5 for children. This is a HUGE fund raising opportunity for the robot team! v Rita Wall has tickets, please help out selling tickets to friends and extended family. You can pick tickets up any of the times the robot team meets. There are only 300 tickets so act fast!

Sponsorship – Downingtown Area Robotics is looking for sponsors. If you work at a company or business or know of a company or business that would be willing to sponsor us please let us know. Presently it costs about $5,000 to run the VEX robotics teams and about $40,000 to run the FRC team. The school district funds about 20%, the rest comes from sponsor donations. Many companies have a matching gift program, what you give they will match. Depending on the amount, sponsors name appear on the robot and on team t-shirts.

Sponsorships are tax deductible and while we are always looking for money, gifts-in-kind may be acceptable.

Contact Foster at Schucker dot org or dewbotrobot at yahoo dot com

Meeting days – due to the Thanksgiving holiday we will meet on Tuesday 24th not Wednesday. Since some teams are behind we will meet the Wednesday and Thursday of the following week – December 2 and 3

Overnight VEX Event -- If you have not turned in the slip from the bottom of the last newsletter, please do so tonight!

Clean Sweep

Clean Sweep Newsletters