DEWBOT IV Philadelphia Regional

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The Philadelphia Regional at Drexel was our second DEWOBT IV competition. It was also the team's first time participating in eliminations at an official competition. We joined the 3rd Alliance (1511 and 316) in the quarterfinals after 484's robot broke.

We did much better than at Hartford, resolving some of our drive-train problems. Drive-train was still our weak link, however. The after-action report is available.

It turns out that placing the Trackball back on the Overpass at the match end for bonus points is a strong suit of ours.

Cheepoof, Team 1640's elusive mascot, made a rare appearance and was captured on film (well, CMOS, really).

Kelly, a visiting student from München (Munich) joined the team for Hartford and Philadelphia (Kelly was visiting Heather).

Philadelphia Photo Gallery