DEWBOT XII Drive-Train

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After six years of successful Swerve Drive development, along comes FIRST Stronghold. Our first conclusion concerning the game: it's not a swerve game. The outerworks obstacles require a different approach.

Three approaches were explored:

  1. 6 or 8 wheel tank drive using 8" (or larger) pneumatic wheels;
  2. 6-wheel tank drive with a bogie suspension
  3. treaded tank drive

Of these, the first and last were tested; the bogie suspension was not tested because it seemed to be more suited to low velocity than high.

An 8-wheel tank chassis was built using 8" AndyMark pneumatic wheels. All wheels were driven. This chassis was able to cross b & d obstacles, but bounced excessively in the process. The crossings were not under control. The moat crossing was especially troublesome.

Treaded tank drive was able to cross all b & d.