DEWBOT XII Drive-Train

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After six years of successful Swerve Drive development, along comes FIRST Stronghold. Our first conclusion concerning the game: it's not a swerve game. The outerworks obstacles require a different approach.

Three approaches were explored:

  1. 6 or 8 wheel tank drive using 8" (or larger) pneumatic wheels;
  2. 6-wheel tank drive with a bogie suspension
  3. treaded tank drive

Of these, the first and last were tested; the bogie suspension was not tested because it seemed to be more suited to low velocity than high.

An 8-wheel tank chassis was built using 8" AndyMark pneumatic wheels. All wheels were driven. This chassis was able to cross b & d obstacles, but bounced excessively in the process. The crossings were not under control. The moat crossing was especially troublesome.

Treaded tank drive was able to cross all type b & d obstacles while retaining good control. An attribute of tracked vehicles is that they have better mobility than pneumatic tires over rough terrain. They smooth out the bumps, glide over small obstacles and are capable of crossing breaks in the terrain. This is why military tanks use treads.

Drive-train Objectives

Drivetrain Specifications