DEWBOT XII Hatboro-Horsham
From DEW Robotics
DEWBOT XII's first qualifier. Not our finest hour. We seeded 27th in a field of 37 with 16 ranking points and a (4-8-0) record. That said, we were the 6th Alliance Captain's (4454 - Artisan Rockets) 1st pick. Team 2191 (Flux Core) completed the alliance. The 6th alliance made it to Semifinals.
DEWBOT XII's catapult was not working at this event due to severe reliability problems with the choo-choo drive. Only one high goal shot was made. All other boulders scored were scored in low goals.
1640 also received the Innovation in Control Award and 36 MAR Qualifying points.
Dean's List nominee Meghana advances to the MAR Championship!