DEWBOT XV Westtown
The Westtown event is co-hosted by teams 1391 (based at the Westtown School) and 1640. Steve Compton (1391 Head Mentor) serves as Event Coordinator, while Clem McKown (1640 Head Mentor) serves as Volunteer Coordinator. This was our 4th year of co-hosting this event and 1640 (students, parents, mentors and alumni) provided over 30 volunteers.
It was also 1640's first DEEP SPACE competition. We got a slow start and finished 27th at the end of qualifying matches. Fortunately, by Sunday morning, we were showing people what DEWBOT could do. We were the 1st pick of 2nd seed team 4342 (Demon Robotics); FRC 2191 (Flux Core) completed the 2nd Alliance.
We went through a tough 8 playoff rounds, with both quarterfinals and semifinals going to three matches. Semifinal were particularly close, real nail-biters! In the end, though, our Alliance won the Westtown event. 1640 made this a double win by receiving the District Chairmans Awards as well. We picked up 63 district qualifying points at this event.