This page is a posting point for useful Engineering References and Links.
- 2017 Summer Design Lessons
- 2008 Pneumatic Lesson (ppt format)
- 2009 Drive-train Lesson (rev 3) (pdf format)
- Drive-train Model (Mk II - updated July 19, 2009) (xls format)
- Mathematics behind the drive-train model (pdf format)
- Kit of Part Motor Curves (xls format)
- 2010 Kit of Parts Motor Curves (xls format)
- Composite Construction Page
- Vacuum Forming Page
- Backlash and how it relates to worm gears
- Nippon Denso Window Motor Locking Pins - problems they cause and how to remove them
- Chain/belt calculator calculates the exact (tensionless/slopless) axle C-C distance for chain or synchronous belt drive (xls format) - uses secant method
- Engineering Design Presentation (Revision 2: Uploaded 28 Sept. 2016)
Useful Internal Pages
- Swerve Central
- Battery Management
- Mecanum Wheels for Intakes
- 3-Wheel Swerve
- Composite Construction Page
- Vacuum Forming Page
- Andy Mark Plactraction Tread Mounting Page
Useful External Links
Swerve Drive Documents & Links
- Swerve Central
- 3-Wheel Swerve
- The Trouble with Tribots
- Mathematical Analysis of the Pivot-Wheel System.
- Programming a Pivot Drive Robot.
- Pivot Worksheet - based on 0-5vdc Potentiometer Output.
- Pivot Worksheet - based on 0-1024 Potentiometer Output.
- Mathematical analysis - Crab with a Twist.
- Pivot Worksheet - Twist Mode 1.
- Pivot Worksheet - Twist Mode 2.
Electrical Information
General Electric
- Robot Electrical Design is a link to a presentation that Al Skierkiewicz gave this spring on Robot Electrical Design. It covers a wide variety of information that should be considered during the design process. (1 hour)
- PSOC carrier board pin outs This is the board made by e-Stop Electronics to make it easier to make connections.
- [Jaguar home page] Links to information about both the Gray and Black Jaguar speed controllers.
FIRST documents
The 2009 FRC Suggestions is a great overview document on how to build a robot. This document talks about how to build the kit-bot frame, motors, electrical, etc. It's must reading for a rookie team, but is a great refresher for experienced teams.
Drive information
Fisher Price Motors
The Fisher Price Motor that they use for their Power Wheels product has been a staple in the Kit of Parts for the last few years. These links are good reference materials for the FP motor
FRC1189 2009 Shooter Gearbox Development is a comprehensive white paper on how they used the FP motors for their shooter. They show pictures of the internals of the gear train and show a number of different mounting techniques.
Power wheels driver hub can be used to connect wheels to the motor.
Tool Information
The spool tip for the MIG welder, Clarke Hot Shot Spool Gun, is KP11-30 (030) 0.8mm MAGNUM.
Pneumatic Parts List
SMC SY3000
Sub Plate Assembly: 1| SY3000-27-1T base 2| SY3000-23-4 screw 1| SY3000-11-25 gasket 24 volt Pilot Valve V111-5LOU 4 Valve 1/4" Tubing Manifold SSy5Y3-42-04-N7T
Coast Parts
44 Cubic Inch Tank 2.5 x 12" RC25X12-N02 PE4AYG 1/4" Yellow PE tubing 100' TIA07Y-33 1/4" Yellow Nylon Tubing 100"
- Pivot Module Design
- Pivot Module Bill of Materials
DEWBOT VII Documents
- Game-Play Strategy Development
- Analysis of arm motion for a robot with a 2-joint arm playing Logomotion. 12 Jan 2011, Clem
- Arm analysis 2 for a robot with a 2-joint arm playing Logomotion, includes all scoring pegs. 15 Jan 2011, Siri
- 4-Bar arm analysis for single-pivot arm playing Logomotion. 17 Jan 2011, Siri
- MiniBot Pole Race Drive-Train Model 24-Jan 2011, Clem
- MiniBot Pole Race sample results 24-Jan 2011, Clem
- Will my magnetic minibot fall off the pole when the power starts up? What do I do? Find out here & do the math! - 24 Jan 2011, Clem
- Further Minibot Analysis - 31 Jan 2011, Clem
- Field Simulation views including pickup/scoring and minibot deployment. 28 Jan 2011, Siri.
- CAD Design - zipped STEP format (created using AutoDesk Inventor)
DEWBOT VI Documents
- Over the Hump - a critical analysis of crossing the bump
- State of the Robot - a summary of decisions and capabilities as of 3-Feb
- Over the Hump (reprise) - An updated analysis including Center-of-Mass
- Running the Bump - An analysis - can we run along the bump? (no)
- DEWBOT VI Bill of Materials - from Finger Lakes
- DEWBOT VI Bill of Materials - from Philadelphia
- Pivot Replacement Process - step-by-step documentation
- CAD Design - zipped STEP format (created using AutoDesk Inventor)