FRC Team 1640
FRC Team 1640 was founded with 12 students in 2005 by Downingtown East High School physics teacher Paul Sabatino. Prior to joining the Downingtown East faculty, Mr. Sabatino mentored FRC Team 104 in the West Chester School District.
The team's name is Sab-BOT-age, in honor of Paul Sabatino's vital contributions. In 2011, the team had to leave the aegis of the Downingtown Area School District and formed Downingtown Area Robotics (DAR). The FRC 1640 team now encompasses thirty five students from throughout Chester County and more than a dozen mentors. While the organization has expanded its scope to include a FIRST Tech Challenge team and hosts two FIRST LEGO League events annually, FRC 1640 remains solidly the core of DAR. FRC 1640 competes within the FIRST Mid-Atlantic (previously Mid-Atlantic Robotics) District. | | Find us on Facebook |
What makes us special? - why join?
- 1640 is not a school-based FRC team. We accept students throughout Chester County, Pennsylvania.
- We are a co-ed team which makes co-ed work. Girls and Boys both occupy leadership roles within the team, and always have. The same holds within the team's mentor community. Advancement is based on merit and drive/commitment.
- Competition - 1640 won fifteen coveted blue banners in the past nine years. We won the last Philadelphia Regional (2011) as alliance captain and won the subsequent two MAR Championships. We've been to FRC Championships in St. Louis the last eight years and in 2013, 2014 & 2017, we were DIVISION CHAMPIONS and found ourselves competing on EINSTEIN FIELD (the final level of competition). In 2014 we were EINSTEIN FINALISTS. In 2015, we finished all in-season qualifications in the top 5 and were winners or finalists in all of our eliminations. We have earned a reputation for playing smart and strategically.
- Technology - 1640 has spent eight years developing swerve drive, in which all four robot drive wheels are independently driven and steered. Technically challenging, this gives us both unparalleled agility and very good traction.
Once again, why join?
- We do a lot of really cool technical stuff, such as:
- CAD/CAM - Computer aided design (via SolidWorks) and Computer aided manufacturing.
- Welding - Aluminum via MIG & steel by stick & MIG. Our last nine robot chassis have been student welded (aluminum).
- Composite Materials - Our last seven robots have utilized carbon fiber and E-glass based composites. All made in-house.
- Machining
- Polymer molding
- Polymer forming - via heat table and vacuum-forming.
- 3-d Printing
- The team is tied into the community and is active in outreach.
- There is over $20M in scholarship opportunities available to FRC students.
- This will be the hardest fun you will ever have!
- Our mentors!
- Our alumni!
- DEWBOT XIX 2024 - Crescendo
- DEWBOT XVIII 2023 - Charged Up
- DEWBOT XVII 2022 - Rapid React
- DEWBOT XV 2019 - Destination: DEEP SPACE
- DEWBOT XIV 2018 - FIRST Power Up
- DEWBOT XIII 2017 - FIRST SteamWorks
- DEWBOT XII 2016 - FIRST Stronghold
- DEWBOT XI 2015 - Recycle RushSM
- DEWBOT X 2014 - Aerial Assist
- DEWBOT IX 2013 - Ultimate AscentSM
- DEWBOT VIII 2012 - Rebound Rumble
- DEWBOT VII 2011 - Logomotion
- DEWBOT VI 2010 - Breakaway
- DEWBOT V 2009 - Lunacy
- DEWBOT IV 2008 - Overdrive
- DEWBOT III 2007 - Rack 'n Roll
- DEWBOT II 2006 - Aim High
- DEWBOT I 2005 - Triple Play
We have a Steering Committee to provide strategic leadership, governanace and make significant capital decisions.
Our Head Mentor provides tactical leadership and direction.
For gettting the word out, we rely on the Media Team.
A critical dimension of Team operations is Fundraising. No money, no robots!
Chronological by reverse season. Official awards are bold, off-season awards are standard, and team peer awards and italicized.
2023 - Charged Up
- Engineering Inspiration Award - FMA District Hatboro-Horsham Event
2022 - Rapid React
- Industrial Design Award - FMA District Springside Chesnut Hill Academy Event
- Champion - FMA District Springside Chesnut Hill Academy Event
- Industrial Design Award - FMA Hatboro-Horsham Event
- Finalist - FMA Hatboro-Horsham Event
- Finalist - Duel on the Delaware
- 1st Seed Award Ramp Riot
2021 - Infinite Recharge - COVID-19 Interregnum
- Excellence in Engineering Award - Ruthenium Group - INFINITE RECHARGE AT HOME
- Champion - Duel on the Delaware
- Champion - Ramp Riot
2020 - Infinite Recharge
- District Chairman's Award - FMA Springside Chestnut Hill
- Quality Award - FMA Hatboro-Horsham Event
2019 - Deep Space
- Chairman's Award - FIRST Mid-Atlantic District Championship
- Excellence in Engineering Award - FMA Bensalem
- Champion - FMA Seneca
- District Chairman's Award - FMA Westtown
- Champion - FMA Westtown
- Inspire Award - RCC Qianjiang International Robotics Open
2018 - Power Up
- Carson Sub-Division Finalist - FRC Championship
- Excellence in Engineering Award - Carson-Tesla Sub-Divisions - FRC Championship
- FedEx 2018 Innovation Challenge Winner - FRC Championship
- Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of outstanding design in competition - SolidWorks - FRC Championship
- Insane Drive Train Award - Team 2016 (Mighty Monkey Wrenches) at the FRC Championship
- Finalist - FIRST Mid-Atlantic Championship
- Industrial Design Award - FIRST Mid-Atlantic Championship
- Finalist - Hatboro-Horsham
- District Chairman's Award - Hatboro-Horsham
- Don Bowers Inspiration Award - Hatboro-Horsham
- Champion - Seneca
- Unique Design MOEward - Team 365 (Miracle Workerz) at the Seneca
- Creativity Award - Westtown
- Champion - Havoc
2017 - SteamWorks
- Archimedes Sub-Division Champion - FRC Championship, St. Louis
- Meghana became a Deans' List Finalist - FIRST Mid-Atlantic Championship
- Innovation in Control Award - FIRST Mid-Atlantic Championship
- Award for Excellence in recognition of Great Partnership from 272 Cyber Crusaders for being a Fantastic Fueler at the FIRST Mid-Atlantic Championship
- District Engineering Inspiration Award - Seneca
- Innovation in Control Award - Westtown
- Storm Hurricane Helpful Award from 2729 (Storm Robotics) at the Westtown - for demonstrating outstanding Gracious Professionalism and Coopertition throughout the competition
2016 - FIRST Stronghold
- Battle Cry Award - Team 2559 (Normality Zero) at the MAR Championship
- Champion - Westtown MAR District Event
- Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions - Westtown MAR District Event
- Best Autonomous Moeward - Team 365 (Miracle Workerz) at the Westtown MAR District Event
- Finalist - Seneca MAR District Event
- Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors - Seneca MAR District Event
- Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation - Hatboro-Horsham MAR District Event
- Champion - Midknight Mayhem
- Finest Knight Award from 71 Team Hammond at Indiana Robotics Invitational
- Champion - Duel on the Delaware
- Champion - Ramp Riot
- 1st Seed Award - Ramp Riot
2015 - Recycle Rush
- Archimedes Division Finalist - FRC Championship
- Most Classy Chassis Award - Team 4451 (ROBOTZ Garage) at FRC Championship
- Finalist - MAR Championship
- FRC Team Inspiration Award - Team 5113 (Combustible Lemons) at MAR Championship
- Champion - Seneca MAR District Event
- Quality Award sponsored by Motorola - Seneca MAR District Event
- Gracious Professionalism Award - Team 5113 (Combustible Lemons) at Seneca
- Congratulations for being a role model to FRC 5666 - Team 1647 (Iron Devils) at Seneca
- Finalist - Hatboro-Horsham MAR District Event
- Quality Award sponsored by Motorola - Hatboro-Horsham MAR District Event
- Creativity Award from 708 (Hatters Robotics) at Hatboro-Horsham
- Finalist - Midknight Mayhem
- Finalist - Indiana Robotics Invitational
- 1st Seed Award - Ramp Riot
2014 - Aerial Assist
- Finalist - FRC Championship, St. Louis
- Newton Division Champion - FRC Championship, St. Louis
- Finalist - Lenape-Seneca MAR District Event
- Eye of the Hurricane Award from 2729 (Storm Robotics) at the MAR Championship - for having an innovative robot design that stood out from the rest of the competition
- Champion - Duel on the Delaware
- Finalist - Ramp Riot
- Newton Division Champion - FRC Championship, St. Louis
- Champion - Mid-Atlantic Region Championship
- Innovation in Control Award - Springside-Chestnut Hill MAR District Event
- Creativity Award - Hatboro-Horsham MAR District Event
- Best Climber Award from 1511 (Rolling Thunder) at the FRC Championship
- Captain Ice3 FIRST Galaxy Award from 1305 (Ice3) at the FRC Championship
- Gracious Professionalism & Outstanding Sportsmanship Award - Team 3151 (Cyber Storm) at the Hatboro-Horsham MAR District Event
- Finalist - MidKnight Mayhem
- Champion - Battle O' Baltimore
- Champion - Duel on the Delaware
- Champion - Mid-Atlantic Region Championship
- Champion - Hatboro-Horsham MAR District Event
- Champion - Bridgewater-Raritan Battle Royale (2nd robot & drive team, 1639)
- Champion - Duel on the Delaware
- Champion - Philadelphia Regional
- Innovation in Control Award - Philadelphia Regional
- Coolest Robot Award - Team 341 (Miss Daisy) at the Philadelphia Regional
- Gracious Professionalism Award - Team 203 (One TUFF Team) at the Philadelphia Regional
- Gracious Professionalism Moeward - Team 365 (Miracle Workerz) at the Philadelphia Regional
- Most Creative Robot Award - Team 2228 (Cougar Tech) at the Finger Lakes Regional
- Champion - Duel on the Delaware
- Finalist - Ramp Riot (2nd robot & drive team, 1641)
2010 - Breakaway
- Creativity Award - Philadelphia Regional
- Engineering Excellence Award - Bridgewater Raritan Battle Royale
- Gracious Professionalism Award - PARC XIII
2009 - Lunacy
- Innovation in Control Award - Chesapeake Regional
- Champion - PARC XII
2008 - Overdrive
- Longevity Award - PARC XI
- Team Spirit Award - Monty Madness
- Finalist - Duel on the Delaware