FTC 7314 Engineering Notebook 2014-09-13

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Competition Season Meeting

Meeting Date Meeting Time Location Attendees
saturday, September 13th, 2014 2pm to 5pm TCHS Brandywine Braden, CJ,Morgan,Justin ,Josh,Brad, Laura,Akhila, Ama, Trever, Jacob, Nick

Tasks Reflections
Learn about Gracious Professionalism
  • Brad talked about the meaning of gracious professionalism, and how it requires all of the teams to treat each other, as well as fellow Sab-BOT-ager's, as equals and be respectful to all.
Prototype 8 bar for Lifting
  • Brad, Braden and Morgan worked on designing an effective eight bar, and succeeded in making half of the eight bar design. Brad then started to try to design the rest of the eight bar in Solidworks.
  • We were able to build the 8 bar prototype. It was high enough to reach the highest tube on the playing field
  • The eight bar can help extend the arm so we can drop balls into the goals.
Design Conveyor Tube
  • After CJ, Laura, and worked on the tube we started to think of ideas for the conveyor on whether we add the linear side.
  • We started to work on the pulley in Solidworks.
  • We ran into some problems when trying to collapse the tube so it was under 18 inches high. We are going to need to cut some of the tubes to make it work.
  • Overall, this lift seems really hard. There are a lot of small issues we ran into, mostly with tubes colliding.
  • If we can make this work, it would be really cool!
Prototype Linear Slide
  • Josh and Justin were working with Andrew to prototype a linear slide for the robot.
  • Andrew, Josh and Justin were deciding on which metals would be used for the slide if we went with that option
  • Josh nearly fell asleep, until we had to do solid works in order to simulate the same square and cylinder solidified in order to see the mass corresponding to the metal.
Prototype Beater Bar
  • Trevor and his friend Jacob prototyped a beater bar to try to pick up the balls.
  • After three hours of work they finally got a very well performing system.
Demonstrate IR for new mentor
  • Nick worked on setting up lab view correctly on his computer for FTC. The FRC and FTC version of lab view and are not very compatible. Nick was unsuccessful at running the correct FTC labview on his laptop. The FTC code is necessary to work on the robot. The end result will be using other students computers to run all of the FTC code.

Recorded by: Braden, Date: Journal Editor: Date: