FTC 7314 Engineering Notebook 2014-10-30

From DEW Robotics
Revision as of 19:58, 29 November 2014 by Akhila2014 (talk | contribs) (Action and idea Journal)

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Meeting Date Meeting Time Location Attendees
10/30/14 6-9pm TCHS Brandywine Nick, CJ, Laura, Justin, Josh, Braden

Tasks Reflections
Fix the chassis
  • Josh, Justin and Braden worked to finish refining the chassis by tightening screws and such
  • We were able to successfully fix the chassis and have it work and be ready for ramp riot.
Finish Teleop Programming
  • CJ, Nick, and Laura worked on finishing the teleop code.
  • We linked the new servos added last week (for the goal grabber and IR lift) to buttons on the controller.
  • Since we wanted to make both servos for the goal grabber move at the same time, we used an advanced subvi. We also wanted the button to switch the grabbers from being all the way up to all the way down, instead of having to hold the button down to keep it down. To do this, we made our own program to toggle between these states.

Action and idea Journal

Recorded by: Date: Journal Editor: Amal Ronak Date:11/29/14