Stronghold Meeting - 10-Jan-2016

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Revision as of 20:12, 20 January 2016 by Laura2014 (talk | contribs) (Strategy)

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Competition Season Meeting

Meeting Date Meeting Time Location Attendees
TCHS Brandywine

CAD & Design




-We discussed what the Einstein alliances might look like, so we could better design our strategy around them.

-Looking at the defenses, it seemed that Group A was the hardest, assuming we cooperated with our alliance partners for group C. We did not count the low bar in this, since it is easy if the robot is designed small. However, designing a short robot sacrafices many other scoring opportunities.

-We decided our robot should have the ability to cross group A, B, and D, along with shooting in the high goal and hanging. In a match, our strategy would be to run "cycles" by posessing a boulder, crossing a defense, and scoring in the high goal. We needed to be able to cross most defenses so we could gain the breach ranking point. We would be able to damage 3/4 defenses required, while using cooperation to complete the 4th.

Field Elements


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