Stronghold Meeting - 16-Jan-2016

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Revision as of 12:50, 27 January 2016 by MaiKangWei (talk | contribs)

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Competition Season Meeting

Meeting Date Meeting Time Location Attendees
TCHS Brandywine

CAD & Design

Drivetrain discussion continued, wheels were attempted but ruled out for lack of crossing ability



- We started by testing the program written yesterday to turn towards a piece of retro-reflective tape.

- After working out some bugs, we were able to get the robot to turn by moving the tape. It was very exciting!
- Next, we tried correcting for distance using center Y. Using the same system as we used for correcting the turn, we were able to get this working as well.
- Finally, we combined the two, so the robot would turn and move forward based on the tape. We were able to have the robot follow a piece of tape around the warehouse. It worked quite well.

- We also worked on organizing the drive code in the new 2016 project.

-All unnecessary files were removed, especially those regarding swerve.
-We then modified the DriveControl abstract class to take the correct joystick inputs.
-We were able to keep the same architecture for the drive code, which means our design is very robust. It can even withstand a brand new drive train.
-We added classes for tank and arcade drive. They can not be tested today, because we do not have a tank robot yet.
-We also modified the gyro correction to work with arcade.

Field Elements

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