Sugartown Elementary Robot Fair

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At the 2010 Sugartown Lego Exposition on 16-April, Downingtown Area Robotics was represented by FLL, VEX and FRC teams and robots.


FRC: Paul, Carly, Matt, Sasha, Nichole, Douglas, Michael, Jen, Ben R, Anthony
Vexsters: Jack, Tommy, Nathan
FLL: Jarryd
Mentors: Mike Rizzo, Foster Schucker, Scott Featherman, David Moyer, Clem & Faith McKown, Gary Deaver, Steve Rhoads, Bob Whalen, John Weissman, Rita Wall


Both the FRC and the Vex teams patricipated in Sugartown Elementary School's Robot Fair on 17-April.


FRC: Siri, Paul, Matt, Heather & Carly
Vexsters: Corey, Jack
Mentors: Mike Rizzo, Jon Davis, Foster Schucker, Matthew Rusnak, Clem & Faith McKown, Susan Rogers