Talk:DEWBOT XII FRC Championship
From DEW Robotics
Post-Mortem (FRC Championship)
The Good
- Scouting
- High shooting
- Andrew's Birthdays
- New Intake
- Portcullis autonomous
- Moat autonomous except once
- No breakdowns
The Bad
- Got stuck in the moat once (at start of match)
- Hanging is too slow to score
- (2) scouting tablets damaged - all in bad condition
- Everyone got sick and threw up (but not all at the same time)
- Bolt holding catapult dog gear broke (but not in competition - fixed for competition)
- Auto aim did not work for a few matches (fixed - software issue)
- Auto aim would be better if it were faster
- Intake was smushed in competition - fixed and re-enforced
- Got a yellow card
Post-Mortem (2016 Season)
The Good
- Scouting (really turned a corner)
- Tableau for analysis and presentation of scouting data
- LabVIEW --> Java transition
- Choice of Catapult
- Selection of tracked drive-train
- Drive team coach
- Engineering notebook start (however, there were follow-up issues)
- Qualified for FRC Championship!
- Travel more organized
- In-team communications
- Co-hosting Westtown
- Co-hosting Westtown provides base for Chairman's work
- Drive team transitions
- Outreach
- Dean's List (Meghana advanced to MAR Championships)
The Bad
- Excessive time was lost in tracked drive-train development
- Weak design process
- Inadequate design bandwidth
- Slow design decision making
- The team's design decision-making process has traditionally been consensus-based. A consensus decision-making process under the right conditions can result in good decision making - but never fast decision making. The problem in developing consensus grows geometrically as the size of the group involved grows.
- Shop (dis)organization
- Organization overall
- Time management
- Back-up drive team
- Original thoughts that Josh G & Akhila (from FTC) would form the basis of a 2nd drive team were scuttled by FTC 7314's stellar competitive performance this season. Despite this, cross training (Abbi can perform any drive team role, it seems; Alicia stepped up also; and Larry Dodds could have substituted for Laura if this became necessary) allowed us to manage absent individual drive team members in competition
Actions / Projects
- Expand vision processing and co-processing expertise
- Improve design process
- Reorganize workshop
- Tool service and repair
- CNC Router Project
- 3D Printer Project
- Shifting Swerve Project
- Budget including tool acquisition & trailer
- Grant writing
- Hang for IRI
- Talent for IRI
- More Outreach
- Develop safety APP (Tablet) - work w/ UL
- Revise Scouting APP