
From DEW Robotics
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I am the Chief Roboteer for the VEX Robot Challenge teams at Downingtown. This is a full time job with ~45 roboteers for the 2009-2010 season. Most of the roboteers are middle school teams.

I won the 2010 VEX Mentor of the Year with my friend and co-founder of STEMRobotics, Steve Rhoads, at the Clean Sweep VEX World Championship.

I was one of the founding mentors of the VEX team in 2007.

I am also a Senior Mentor for FRC team 1640. My role on the team is Program Management, with the primary task of keeping the build moving forward.

I also work on the following sub-teams:

Layout and design of the electrical subsystem with the students and then supervising the construction.
          int version = 2;
          printf("Hello from DEWBot Robot! Version=%i \n", version);
(Actually we use LabView, but there is not an easy way to show a LabView VI, so you'll have to do with some C code.)

(righty tighty, lefty loosey)
I work mostly on creating jigs, forms and templates used to create the metal parts. Most of these items are made out of wood.

I'm a member of the Steering Committee, I'm the unofficial secretary for meeting minutes.

I've been working with Downingtown Robotics since 2007, I was a mentor on the initial FIRST Vex Challenge (FVC) team - 3150. In our first season we had 5 roboteers.

I started working on the big robot in 2007 as part of the electrical team for DEWBOT III.

I am also one of the leaders of STEMRobotics a non-profit organization with the goal of bringing competition robotics to middle and high school students in Southeastern Pennsylvania and Delaware. STEMRobotics is the sponsor or co-sponsor of VEX events in the area, including the 2010 Eastern Pennsylvania Regional Competition.

I have the famous VEX Red Wagon for taking robots to demos in.

I'm also the webmaster for this site, contact me about problems.

Contact: DEWBOTROBOT at Yahoo dot com, or me directly at Foster dot Schucker at the domain STEMRobotics dot org. Confused? So are the spam-mail bots trying to figure out the address. Say it out loud, that helps