FTC 7314 Engineering Notebook 2015-11-21

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Competition Season Meeting

Meeting Date Meeting Time Location Attendees
21-November-2015 2:00-5:00pm TCHS Brandywine Amal, Josh, Justin, Braden, Myles

Objectives / Systems Hypotheses, tests, observations, conclusions, plans
Objective in bold
  • Bullet point for each hypothesis, test, observation, conclusion, plan
Objective in bold
  • Bullet point for each hypothesis, test, observation, conclusion, plan

Tasks Reflections
assembling the field
  • Josh, Justin, and Amal finished assembling the second mountain for the new field. They plan to use this mountain for testing, as the first mountain has some issues with how it was constructed. They plan to fix these issues next meeting after gaining more supplies. Josh also informed the rest of the team to wear only socks or barefoot on the field as to make sure it is in pristine condition.
Field build finish, and robot test
  • Josh, Justin, and Amal finished building the field that we bought along with the Auto bots team 3499. Also the everyone watch and performed the mountain climb test, our team is around 10 seconds.
  • Myles worked to help in any way he could in the workshop. He first fixed the drive chain by reattaching the arm treads after making slight adjustments to the plastic tabs in the treads. This involved moving them to make sure they were absolutely straight. After that he went to help the programmers set up the basic tele-op program for driving.

Action and idea Journal

First real climb with ResQ robot

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