Stronghold Meeting - 28-Jan-2016

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Competition Season Meeting

Meeting Date Meeting Time Location Attendees
TCHS Brandywine

CAD & Design

No CAD meeting tonight.



- With the newly installed Ubuntu on the raspberry pi, we worked on getting GRIP to run on Ubuntu.

- We started by expanding the root partition to the full size to give us room to operate.
- After completing this, we installed the grip-1.1.1.deb file on the pi.
- When running this, it threw an exception saying the instruction set architectures were not compatible.
- We then attempted to run a 3rd party grip .jar file, which supposedly works on Raspbian Jessie.
- This new jar file threw an exception saying the versions were not compatible. We will investigate this further tomorrow.
- If we can not get Ubuntu to run GRIP, we will return to Raspbian Jessie and continue testing there.

- Scouting App Progress

- Started the drag and drop interface, involving the different obstacles, each team, and their alliance.
- Got a pretty nice layout, but still are looking to tune and refine it.
- Next week, we plan to refine the drag and drop, and start working with the scanning part of the app.


Field Elements


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