Clean Sweep Newsletter 11 November

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VEX Parent Update – 11/11/09 We have a number of VEX items coming up! Contact Foster at Schucker dot org if you have any questions!

Saturday 14 November 2009 – We will be doing demos for the Girl Scouts “Girls in Gear” program. We will be doing this as part of the “Ramp Riot” contest at Wissahickon High School, 601 Knight Rd, Ambler, PA. We will meet at the school at 6:45 AM, leaving at 7AM to be at Wissahickon by 8AM. If you want to carpool be at DEC, if you want to drive on your own try to meet us there at 8AM. We should be home by 5 PM.

We will be setting up a small 8’ square field and using the blocks from last year. We need 5-10 roboteers to help out showing the Girl Scouts how to drive and make repairs on the robot.

We will be done with the demos at noon. Our big robot team will be competing until 4PM and there is also a First Technical Robot challenge going on. There is a lot to see and do. There is a food and drink concession at the school.

Saturday December 5 is our first scrimmage at Penn State Abington from 9 AM – 4PM. We will leave from DEC at 7AM to be at the event by 8AM to help set up. This will be the first chance our teams have to drive against other schools. We will need parents to go and help out some easy things like getting the field reset between matches, etc.

This event is sponsored by Penn State and there is FREE pizza and soda for lunch.

Sunday December 6 there is an all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast 8AM-10AM fundraiser at Applebee's in Exton. Tickets are $7 for adults and $5 for children. This is a HUGE fund raising opportunity for the robot team! Faith McKown and Rita Wall have tickets, please help out selling tickets to friends and extended family. You can pick tickets up any of the times the robot team meets. There are only 300 tickets so act fast!

Overnight VEX Event We have an opportunity to go to a two day VEX event in Westminster MD February 26 and 27th. Westminster is about 2 hours away so you can either stay over night, or drive back and forth. This is the largest event on the East coast with over 100 teams participating. Most of our other events only have 20-26 teams. We would drive down early (6AM) on Friday morning and leave there about 5PM on Saturday.

The robot teams Mentors (Foster, Dan, Bob, Kelly, etc.) will NOT be responsible for watching your roboteer outside of the event. This means that you will need to come or make arrangements with another parent. Hotels in the area are about $115 a night and you will need to also plan for meals.

There is a considerable amount of work that Foster needs to do with the school district, so its important that if you are interested you let him know. We will try to work this out as a school field trip so the Friday will be an excused absence.

Information about the event can be found here: []

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My roboteer, ___________________________________ is interested in going to the

Atlantic Coast Championships _______________________________________(parent)

Clean Sweep

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