Clean Sweep Newsletter 17 March

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Our offical Clean Sweep season is almost over. Teams 80 and 81 won berths to the World Championships. They will be working on their robots for the next few weeks to get them ready to go to Dallas.

The rest of us have three choices:

  1. Work on a robot for the PSU Abington Firefighting contest
  2. Work on getting robots set upto play CrossBot our demonstraton robots for the events this spring and summer
  3. Wrap up early and go do summer sports, but come back to the VEX party on the 28th.

So we have groups of teams doing just that.

There are three teams that are building demo robots, one is a lifter, two are claws.

Two teams are building fire fight robots, one on a square base, one on an omni base.

Two teams are working on their World Championship robots.

So we have 7 out of nine robots being worked on.

Mark on your calendar for 28 April, VEX party. See Jeri Gore for details!

Clean Sweep

Clean Sweep Newsletters