From DEW Robotics
Revision as of 23:35, 8 May 2017 by MaiKangWei (talk | contribs) (Shooter)

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It had been the team's intention and strategy for DEWBOT XIII to be a high-performance shooter (together with good rear running capabilities and a fast, reliable climb). Alas, we did not accomplish the critical shooting goal. Our shooter was definitely middling. While very consistent in its shooting and capable of shooting consistently at up to 6 balls/s, feed issues limited us to an average 2.5 balls/s. In addition, while shooter elevation and wheel speed are adjustable,we had a limited number of pre-set shooting solutions and limited objective data on which to base such solutions.

The Shooter System comprises several interacting components:

  1. Shooter
  2. Feeder
  3. Ball Pickup
  4. Hopper


The shooter is a basic single-wheel shooter. While simple, this mechanism went through an enormous amount of testing and development.


Ball Pickup
