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Hosted by team 341 (Miss Daisy) at Wissahickon High School in Ambler PA.

When we realized that our D-Town Dustoff FLL Scrimmage would necessarily fall on the same day as Ramp Riot, I told the team that we would need to regretfully bow out of Ramp Riot. I immediately faced a revolt; Ramp Riot is the only event that the team has participated in every year of existence. Ramp Riot was also my personal introduction to competitive robotics when I brought my eldest daughter in 2005.

So we needed to be in two places at once. Neat trick. We picked a small, focused team to compete. Six students and three mentors. The students ran the show.

We went to Ramp Riot with a Coach and Operator experiencing their first competition as drive team members, and a human player experiencing his second competition in this role. Only our driver and two pit students were experienced veterans.

How did we do? Really well. We ended up as 1st seed and led the 1st alliance. We didn't win, but did very will in the quarterfinals. A great last competition for DEWBOT XI.

Who was there


Laura - Coach
Eric - Driver
Kevin - Human Player
Akhila - Operator
Paul - Pit Captain - mechanical
Nicholas - Pit Programming & Control


Gary Deaver
John Weissman
Faith McKown

FRC Ramp Riot Photo Gallery