Talk:DEWBOT XI FRC Championship

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Crazy pivots during 1640's first Archimedes QF match
Two unexpected problems with the robot were experienced during Archimedes playoffs. The second of these - the lift failure, ultimately cost us an Archimedes victory and 3rd consecutive advance to Einstein. The reasons for these are currently (2-May) not understood.

Crazy Pivots

Very soon after the start of teleop during our first Archimedes QF match, all four pivots went crazy and simply spun for most of the teleop match. The lift was also non-operational (see below). Naturally, we accomplished absolutely nothing from a scoring standpoint during the match.

Non-operational Lift

During four of our seven Archimedes elimination matches (QF1,SF1, F1 & F2), the lift did not initially function. Function was recovered during F2 through rough handling of the robot, but it was not restored at all during the other matches. During QF1 and SF1, match video clearly shows that the lift properly zeroed itself at the start of autonomous (I was too far away during F1 and F2 to be able to catch this detail in these videos). Zeroing looks perfectly normal. During teleop, however, the lift would not respond to control or move at all (except in F2 following the rough handling).

Rough handling was employed by the drive team during the other matches where the lift failed to function, without success.

This problem (or one looking very similar to it) occurred during one of our qualification matches.

5-3-2015 Gary Deaver

Without Prime, analysis is limited to driver station logs. There is much more data logged in 2015. Communications and current draw data should be examined. Any brown outs should be visible. Reports from other teams suggest that 3 fields at worlds had problems with network saturation. Many matches required a restart. The problem is being investigated by First. Some teams were affected most were not. Is this a prime problem and our problem or a field problem?