Team Structure

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The FRC team is made up of a number of sub-teams. When we talk about them we just call them teams as in "the mechanical team" or the "electrical team".

Some of the teams are year round teams, some are tactical or mission based. For example we do Community Outreach all year long, but only need a Drive Team during the build season. Clicking on the links will take you to more detailed descriptions of each team.

Each team has either a student or Mentor leading the team.


Our leaders:

  • Captain - the student leader of the team
  • Lieutenant - the assistant student leader
  • Safety Captain - student leader responsible for making sure all teams work safely at all times
  • Head Mentor - the adult leader of the team

These officers, along with other Mentors serve on the Steering Committee who's role is to direct the long term strategy of Downingtown Area Robotics.

Functional (year round teams)

Website Team
responsible for the management, updates, and design of the website.
Art and Animation Team
responsible for all of the artwork like tee-shirts, banner, posters, artwork for the robot, etc. This team also does the animation submission.
Media Team
responsible for all interactions between Downingtown Robotics and external news, web sites, blogs, television, etc.
Finance Team
management of team financial resources, sponsor donations, spending, budget management, bill payment, etc.
Community Outreach Team
management of sponsor relationships, our relationships between other organizations like the Downingtown School District, STEMRobotics, State organizations, etc.
Program Management
responsible for overall coordination between the teams, schedule management, etc.
Game Play Team
the team that plays the game: drivers, operators, players and scouting.
Logistics Team
responsible for planning and executing the team trips to events. They make sure that all materials and tools make it to the event.

Mission teams

Design Team
responsible for the overall design of the robot. They are responsible for making sure the follow on designs and fabrications by Drive, Game, Electrical and Programming will work together.
Drive Team
responsible for the motion of the robot up and down the field. They are also responsible for the basic frame design.
Game Team
responsible for the game play action of the robot. This is all the mechanicals for playing the game.
Electrical Team
responsible for all of the electrical - battery, cRio install, sidecar locations and wiring, Jaguar / Spike placement and wiring, sensors, etc.
They are also responsible for creating the driver / operator board.
Programming Team
responsible for programming the cRio.
Shipping Team
responsible for crate design and construction.
Field Team
responsible for building the practice field.

Because we don't have a large number of roboteers, both students and mentors may belong to more than one team at a time as their availble time and interest changes.