Robot Archives
DEWBOT XIX 2024 - Crescendo
- Competitions
- FMA Seneca Event - 2nd seed & Alliance Captain - semifinalist & Innovation in Control Award
- Features
- 1 Past Robots
- 1.3 DEWBOT XVI 2020 - Infinite Recharge & COVID-19 Interregnum
- 1.4 DEWBOT XV 2019 - Destination: DEEP SPACE
- 1.5 DEWBOT XIV 2018 - FIRST Power Up
- 1.6 DEWBOT XIII 2017 - FIRST SteamWorks
- 1.7 DEWBOT XII 2016 - Stronghold
- 1.8 DEWBOT XI 2015 - Recycle RushSM
- 1.9 DEWBOT X 2014 - Aerial AssistSM
- 1.10 DEWBOT IX 2013 - Ultimate AscentSM
- 1.11 DEWBOT VIII 2012 - Rebound Rumble
- 1.12 DEWBOT VII 2011 - Logomotion
- 1.13 DEWBOT VI 2010 - Breakaway
- 1.14 DEWBOT V 2009 - Lunacy
- 1.15 DEWBOT IV 2008 - Overdrive
- 1.16 DEWBOT III 2007 - Rack 'n Roll
- 1.17 DEWBOT II 2006 - Aim High
- 1.18 DEWBOT I 2005 - Triple Play
Past Robots
- Competitions
- FMA Hatboro-Horsham Event - 6th seed & 4th Alliance Captain - semifinalist & Engineering Inspiration Award
- FMA District Springside Chesnut Hill Academy Event
- FMA District Championship
- Summer Heat - Wicked Fah Award
- Steel City Showdown
- Duel on the Delaware
- Ramp Riot
- Features
- Competitions
- FMA Hatboro-Horsham Event - 2nd seed & Alliance Captain - FINALIST & Industrial Design Award
- FMA District Springside Chesnut Hill Academy Event - 1st seed, Alliance Captain, CHAMPION & Industrial Design Award
- FMA District Championship
- FRC Championship
- Duel on the Delaware - 7th seed & Finalist
- Ramp Riot - 1st seed, alliance captain, 1st Seed Award
- Features
DEWBOT XVI 2020 - Infinite Recharge & COVID-19 Interregnum
- Competitions
- FMA Hatboro-Horsham Event - Semi-Finalist
- FMA Springside Chestnut Hill (Virtual) - District Chairman's Award
- Duel on the Delaware (2021) - 2nd seed & CHAMPION
- Ramp Riot (2021) - 2nd seed & CHAMPION
- Features
DEWBOT XV 2019 - Destination: DEEP SPACE
- Competitions
- FMA Westtown Event - CHAMPION & District Chairman's Award
- FMA Seneca Event - CHAMPION
- FMA Bensalem Event - Excellence in Engineering Award
- FIRST Mid-Atlantic Championship - Chairman's Award
- FRC Championship - 9th seed & 8th alliance captain - semifinalist
- RCC Qianjiang International Robotics Open - 11th seed - semifinalist - Inspire Award
- Duel on the Delaware - 5th seed & alliance captain
- Ramp Riot - 8th seed & semifinalist
- Features
2019 Chairman's Video - 2019 Season Wrap-up Video
DEWBOT XIV 2018 - FIRST Power Up
- Competitions
- MAR District Westtown Event - 3rd Alliance Captain (Semifinalist) & Creativity Award
- MAR District Seneca Event - CHAMPION
- MAR District Hatboro-Horsham Event - FINALIST & District Chairman's Award
- FIRST Mid-Atlantic Championship - FINALIST & Industrial Design Award
- FRC Championship - Carson FINALIST & Excellence in Engineering Award
- Indiana Robotics Invitational
- Havoc - CHAMPION
- Duel on the Delaware - 4th seed & alliance captain
- Ramp Riot - 7th seed & alliance captain - semifinalist
- Features
2018 Chairman's Video - FIRST Updates Now - IRI Application Video - 2018 Season Wrap-up Video
DEWBOT XIII 2017 - FIRST SteamWorks
- Competitions
- MAR District Westtown Event - Innovation in Control Award
- MAR District Seneca Event - Engineering Inspiration Award
- FIRST Mid-Atlantic Championship - Innovation in Control Award
- FRC Championship - Archimedes CHAMPION
- Midknight Mayhem - 4th rank
- Indiana Robotics Invitational
- Havoc
- Duel on the Delaware - 1st seed semifinalist
- Ramp Riot - 4th seed
- Features
DEWBOT XII 2016 - Stronghold
- Competitions
- MAR District Hatboro-Horsham Event - Innovation in Control Award
- MAR District Seneca Event - 3rd seed/2nd alliance captain FINALIST & Industrial Design Award
- MAR District Westtown Event - 3rd seed, CHAMPION & Quality Award
- Miracle Workerz 365's Best Autonomous Moeward
- MAR Championship - Semifinalist
- Normality Zero 2559's Battle Cry Award
- FRC Championship - ranked 17th & Quarterfinalist
- Midknight Mayhem - 4th seed CHAMPION
- Indiana Robotics Invitational
- Team Hammond 71's Finest Knight Award
- Havoc - 2nd seed
- Duel on the Delaware - 1st seed CHAMPION
- Ramp Riot - 1st seed CHAMPION - 1st Seed Award
- Features
DEWBOT XI 2015 - Recycle RushSM
- Competitions
- Hatboro-Horsham MAR District Event - 3rd seed FINALIST & Quality Award
- Hatters Robotics 708's Creativity Award
- MAR District Seneca Event - 1st seed/alliance captain CHAMPIONS & Quality Award
- Iron Devils 1647's Congratulations on being a roll model for 5666
- Combustible Lemons 5113's Gracious Professionalism Award
- MAR Championship - 2nd seed/alliance captain FINALIST
- Combustible Lemons 5113's FRC Team Inspiration Award
- FRC Championship - Archimedes Division 5th seed/4th alliance captain FINALIST
- ROBOTZ Garage 4451's Most Classy Chassis Award
- Midknight Mayhem - 1st seed & FINALIST
- Indiana Robotics Invitational - FINALIST
- Duel on the Delaware 1st seed semifinalist
- Ramp Riot 1st seed semifinalist - 1st Seed Award
- Features
- 6th generation reduced-machining swerve drive
- Internal Stacker
- Intake System
- RC Burglars
- 3-Tote Autonomous
- Robot don't tip! software control
DEWBOT X 2014 - Aerial AssistSM
- Competitions
- Hatboro-Horsham MAR District Event - (quarterfinalist)
- Lenape-Seneca MAR District Event - 2nd seed FINALIST
- MAR Championship - 4th seed alliance captain (quarterfinalist)
- Storm Robotics 2729's Eye of the Hurricane Award
- FRC Championship - Newton Division CHAMPIONS & CHAMPIONSHIP FINALIST WooHoo!!
- Midknight Mayhem - 4th seed quarterfinalist
- Indiana Robotics Invitational
- Duel on the Delaware - CHAMPIONS
- Ramp Riot - 4th seed alliance captain FINALIST
- Features
- 5th generation Pivot Drive
- Slingshot Shooter
- Roller Frame for fast ball pickup, passing & control
- Focus on Quality, Survivability & Serviceability - to be the last robot standing
- Highly reliable 1-ball high autonomous (reliable 2-ball high autonomous from Midknight Mayhem)
DEWBOT IX 2013 - Ultimate AscentSM
- Competitions
- Hatboro-Horsham District Event - Creativity Award (semifinalist)
- Cyber Storm 3151's Gracious Professionalism & Outstanding Sportsmanship Award
- Springside-Chestnut Hill MAR District Event - Innovation in Control Award (semifinalist)
- Mid-Atlantic Region Championship - CHAMPIONS
- FRC Championship - Newton Division CHAMPIONS
- FRC 1511's Best Climber Award
- FRC 1305's Captain Ice3 FIRST Galaxy Award
- Monty Madness (6th seed quarterfinalist alliance captain)
- MidKnight Mayhem - Finalist
- Indiana Robotics Invitational
- Battle O' Baltimore - CHAMPIONS
- Duel on the Delaware - CHAMPIONS
- Ramp Riot (4th seed quarterfinalist alliance captain)
- Brunswick Eruption - Semifinalist
- Features
- 4th generation Pivot Drive
- Ocelot drive control software
- Caterpillar drive to climb the pyramid
- Single-wheel arc Frisbee shooter with 4-disc magazine
- Heads-up Display aiming assist
DEWBOT VIII 2012 - Rebound Rumble
- Competitions
- Hatboro Horsham District Event - CHAMPIONS
- Lenape District Event (quarterfinalist)
- Mid-Atlantic Region Championship - CHAMPIONS
- FRC World Championship (13th seed Newton)
- Monty Madness (quarterfinalist)
- Bridgewater-Raritan Battle Royale - CHAMPIONS
- Indiana Robotics Invitational (13th seed)
- Duel on the Delaware - CHAMPIONS
- Ramp Riot (semifinalist)
- Features
DEWBOT VIII won four 3-on-3 basketball competitions by routinely crossing the mid-field steel barrier to play defense and feed balls forward. It scored bonus points by balancing on a see-saw with one or two other robots at the end of each match.
- Third Generation Pivot Drive (fully independent swerve)
- Secondary drivetrain for barrier crossing
- Multi-stage ball collection
- Single-axle underhand shooter
- Bridge manipulator
DEWBOT VII 2011 - Logomotion
- Competitions
- Finger Lakes Regional (semifinalist)
- Cougar Tech 2228's Most Creative Robot Award
- Philadelphia Regional - CHAMPIONS (2nd seed alliance captain) and Innovation in Control Award
- Miracle Workerz 365's Gracious Professionalism Moeward
- T.U.F.F Team 203's Gracious Professionalism Award
- Miss Daisy 341's Coolest Robot Award
- FRC World Championship (27th seed Archemides)
- Indiana Robotics Invitational
- Duel on the Delaware - CHAMPIONS
- Ramp Riot - Finalists
- Features
DEWBOT VII won two 3-on-3 extreme tic-tac-toe-like tournaments, primarily racing its speedy "minibot" up a pole for bonus points at the end of each match. The robot could also play defense and score a few inner tubes on the tic-tac-toe grid every match, making the triangle-circle-square FIRST logo.
- Second Generation Pivot Drive (fully independent swerve drive)
- 4-Bar Arm & Pneumatic Claw
- Pneumatic Minibot Deployment
- Mighty Mouse Minibot
DEWBOT VI 2010 - Breakaway
- Competitions
- Finger Lakes Regional
- Philadelphia Regional - Creativity Award (semifinalists)
- PARC XIII - Gracious Professionalism Award (8th seed semifinalist)
- Monty Madness (10th seed quarterfinalist)
- Bridgewater-Raritan Battle Royale - Engineering Excellence Award (12th seed semifinalist)
- Indiana Robotics Invitational (21st seed)
- Duel on the Delaware (10th seed quarterfinalist)
- Ramp Riot (quarterfinalist)
- Features
DEWBOT IV won multiple engineering awards for its innovative swerve drivetrain's performance in 3-on-3 soccer. It could hold onto a ball while in a dead spin, cross midfield "bumps", navigate through a short tunnel, and kick goals from across the field.
- First Generation Pivot Drive (fully independent swerve)
- Tension-Pneumatic Kicker
- Ball Possessor
DEWBOT V 2009 - Lunacy
- Competitions
- Chesapeake Regional - Innovation in Control Award
- Monty Madness
- Bridgewater Battle (3rd seed quarterfinalist captain)
- Duel on the Delaware (semifinalist)
- Ramp Riot
- Features
DEWBOT V won the team's first tournament and official award by using a uniquely maneuverable "7-wheel drive" to skate around a slippery field and shoot hollow balls into opponents' trailers, while keeping its own trailer safe from attack.
- 6 Wheel Drive with custom gearboxes and a deployable 7th Wheel
- Beaterbar and turreted Helical Hopper
- Pneumatic Shooter
DEWBOT IV 2008 - Overdrive
- Competitions
- Connecticut Regional
- Philadelphia Regional
- PARC XI - Longevity Award (6th seed semifinalist captain)
- Monty Madness - Team Spirit Award
- Duel on the Delaware - Finalist
- Ramp Riot
- Features
DEWBOT IV made it to its first finals match ever on a rear-wheel drive, 80/20 fork lift-catapult. We zipped around the field NASCAR-style while hurtling huge yoga balls over a set of monkey bars. Our more gentle fork lift setting was used to place them back on the bars at the end of each match for bonus points.
DEWBOT III 2007 - Rack 'n Roll
- Competitions
- Pittsburgh Regional
- Philadelphia Regional (26th seed backup)
- PARC X (5th seed quarterfinalist captain)
- Duel on the Delaware (semifinalist)
- Ramp Riot (7th seed quarterfinalist captain)
- Features
DEWBOT III got the team its first turns as alliance captains by snagging innertubes off the ground to play raucous tournaments of extreme cylindrical Connect-4. We spent the matches hanging tubes and blocking opponents and then finished off by driving on top of our allies' ramps for bonus points.
DEWBOT II 2006 - Aim High
- Competitions
- Philadelphia Regional
- Ramp Riot (quarterfinalists)
- Features
DEWBOT II got us to our second consecutive Ramp Riot elimination bracket by racing around the field, grabbing dodgeballs and "ski jumping" them onto a pitching wheel shooter to score in high wall-mounted goals.
- Rear Wheel Drive
- High-Speed Ball Intake and Roller-Conveyor Belt Lift
- Polycarbonate Hopper and Ball Chute Ski Jump
- Adjustable Shooter
DEWBOT I 2005 - Triple Play
- Competitions
- Chesapeake Regional
- Ramp Riot (quarterfinalists)
- Features
Our rookie robot, DEWBOT I, was a competent scorer, excluding the high central goal (which it could not reach). A challenging robot to steer, but it drove straight like nobody's business.
- 4WD Tank
- (4) 8" Kitbot wheels
- Single-pivot, winch/block & tackle-driven arm
- Pneumatic double extending arm
- 2nd arm to knock down tetris during autonomous